Genetics and Genomics Winter School

Course Complete for 2024. Thank You for Your Participation!

Join us for the 3rd Genetics and Genomics Winter School (GGWS), an in-person event taking place from June 24th to 28th, 2024, at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. GGWS aims to provide scholars with a thorough understanding of cutting-edge statistical and computational methods for genetic or genomic data analysis.
There are 6 learning modules on offer, covering contemporary genetics subjects with a strong emphasis on practical exercises.

This course is tailored for individuals who:
  • Work with genomic data and aim to enhance analytical skills with new methods and tools.
  • Seek insights into the black box of statistical methods for genetics and genomics.
  • Work in related fields requiring statistical analysis and have some knowledge in genetics.
This course may not be suitable for individuals who:
  • Lack of experience in statistical analysis (completion of an undergrad-level statistics course is recommended).
  • Have no experience in coding in R or the Linux shell.

For more information about your readiness to learn content in the courses, check the learning resources below if needed.

Throughout the week, participants will gain knowledge in:
  • State-of-the-art statistical methods/tools for analysing genetic and genomic data to address scientific research questions.
  • Understanding of the data types and data properties.
  • Practical usage of these methods/tools.
  • Understanding the underlying mechanisms of these methods.
  • Interpreting results effectively.
  • Potential pitfalls, caveats, and limitations.
This course will not cover:
  • Coding in R/shell from scratch. While practical exercises include R/shell code, a basic coding ability is expected.
  • Wet lab skills.
  • Biology. The focus is on statistical and computational methods for data analysis, and we assume the participants already have a basic understanding in genetics.
Learning resources:
  • YouTube channels, such as StatQuest for concise statistics tutorials.
  • Coding in R: DataCamp, a web-based resource for enhancing coding skills.
  • Find here for some learning materials in statistical genetics basics (with R code) from the previous year. We highly recommend studying these materials in advance, especially if you plan to attend the Statistical Genomics track.
Course Structure and Logistics:

The course modules are designed to be relatively independent, allowing participants to register for individual modules and to construct their own one-week course based on their interest. Each module spans 1.5 days and accommodates up to 40 participants, providing an intimate and interactive learning environment. The format of the course combines lectures and computer lab practicals. Participants will have access to a high-performance computing cluster (Nectar Research Cloud provided by QCIF). We encourage you to bring your own laptops for reading course materials and completing practical exercises using R or RStudio. Enjoy a mid-course break on Wednesday afternoon to recharge your energy. Participants also have an opportunity to visit the Human Studies Unit lab in groups during this break.

**Click on the module names in the table below for additional details on each module**

Module 1

Statistical Genomics 1 - Genetic Mapping

Dr Kathryn Kemper
Dr Alesha Hatton
Dr Fleur Garton
Dr Loic Thibaut

Module 2

Cellular Transcriptomics

A/P Quan Nguyen
Dr Xiao Tan
Mr Onkar Mulay

Module 3

Statistical Genomics 2 – Heritability Estimation

A/P Loic Yengo
Dr Valentin Hivert

Module 4

Genetic Epidemiology

Dr Daniel Hwang
Dr Christopher Flatley
Dr Geng Wang
Dr Daisy Crick
Dr Alesha Hatton
Ms Shannon D’Urso

Module 5

Statistical Genomics 3 – Polygenic Prediction

Dr Jian Zeng
Dr Tian Lin
Dr Valentin Hivert

Module 6

Systems Genomics and Pharmacogenomics

Dr Sonia Shah
Dr Clara Jiang
Dr Gagandeep Singh
Dr Zhihong Zhu
Dr Solal Chauquet

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-12pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm 9am-12pm 1pm-4pm
Statistical Genomics 1 - Genetic Mapping Statistical Genomics 2 – Heritability Estimation Statistical Genomics 3 – Polygenic Prediction
Cellular Transcriptomics Genetic Epidemiology Systems Genomics & Pharmacogenomics
  • From 9 am to 4 pm each day (except Wednesday afternoon)
  • 1 hour break at noon (lunch is provided)
  • Computer rooms 314 and 315 in Building 69 on the St Lucia Campus.
  • For the lab tour on Wednesday, assembly at IMB reception (Building 80).
Course Fee:
  • $300 for a single module
  • $500 for two modules
  • $700 for three modules
  • Free for students and staff within the Centre for Population and Disease Genomics at IMB
  • Limited number of scholarships are available for undergraduate students
  • Apply by sending your CV and a statement of application to Jian Zeng at
  • Application close on 17th May, and the results will be announced soon after
Lunch and social Event:
  • Please note that catering for lunch and the social event closes at 4pm Monday 17TH June 2024. The course includes a BBQ at Wednesday noon and a box lunch on each of the other days.
  • Open: 2nd April, 2024
  • Close: 14th June, 2024

Please contact the organising team at:

To register, please click this button:


We would like to thank all of our instructors for their continued support and involvement with the Genetics and Genomics Winter School.


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